God has entrusted us with an incredibly beautiful Montana setting for the purpose of providing a week long experience for marketplace men and women to gather separately to encounter and experience God in a focused time of teaching, processing and listening. The week is specifically designed for the purpose of deepening the intimacy of one’s experience with God.
This is more than a fishing vacation or “yahoo” trek in the mountains. Rather, this is an opportunity for you to disengage from the busyness of our hectic lifestyles and culture, to reflect and gain perspective, but most importantly to spend a week experiencing God. If that’s what you need or desire, then this is for you. In Matthew, Jesus invites His disciples to “come away with Me.” Have you ever had the need or opportunity to do so? This is what the week at The Trinity Encounter is about.
The provision and vision for Trinity Ranch grows out of my own spiritual journey as a husband, father and business executive. In my 30’s and 40’s, I wasn’t hearing (or listening) to terms like spiritual formation, spiritual disciplines, discipleship, experiencing God, or intimacy with God (what’s that about?). Today I know the value of spending time alone with God, that He desires to speak to each of us, and that we can experience Him in a real and personal way.
From prior Trinity Encounters we have learned that many of us may or may not understand the need or significance of a week to “come away” and be with God. We have also learned that God specifically directs those who need this experience at Trinity Ranch.
If you sense a desire to join us in one of the scheduled weeks during May through October, or to request additional information, please contact me directly.
Mike Parkinson
(c) 714.287.9939